Best Services & Products at Matahari

Matahari Department Stores as a leading retail chain that prides itself on offering the best products and serving the best services, in customer relations and suppliers associations, thus delivers a wholesome message of the delectable product options and impeccable shopping that can only be experienced at each Matahari Department stores

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Matahari Department Store - Galeria Mall

Step into any Matahari Department Store in any city in Indonesia, and you know exactly what to expect high quality, stylishly designed items plus all the essentials for your life, displayed in a clean, organizes and welcoming environment. The one of a kind experience comes for our department store roots and ongoing commitment to great prices and stylish innovations. The one of a kind feeling is why millions of guests visit our store every year.

Matahari Group Awards

Matahari has substantially increased its stores in Indonesia to a total of 80 department stores.Moreover, Matahari also received the most prestigious award for the first time Best Of Best, 2007 Retail Asia Pacific Top 500 Awards which represents the highest recognition within the retail industries in Asia Pacific regions for the Company outstanding internationally recognized milestone achievements

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